Welcome to my blog!
I am Bridget Welch, LMT, an artist and healer. In my blog, we explore various topics related to health, self-expression, art, personal growth, and more. It is also a good way to stay informed about my upcoming events, specials, or brand-new projects.
I felt called to address this because it’s cold and flu season. I thought perhaps you might find some practices I do that you’d like to add to your life to strengthen your immune system.
I drink a lot of water and live an active lifestyle. This way, I keep the...
I have been reading about how we can remove fat soluble toxins from the body, and about how to cleanse the liver, and I came upon information about how eating fiber is so important to helping the liver remove environmental toxins from the body so they never get absorbed. I thought I might...
When I was in college, I loved pizza. I worked at a delivery restaurant and ate pizza every time I worked, maybe 5 times per week. I drank multiple cans of highly sugary and caffienated soda during every shift. Sometimes I ate a whole pint of ice cream for dinner, maybe once per week. I loved...
Local friends, mark your calendars. I will be teaching a free seminar at New Leaf Market Co-op November 18, 2014, 7:45pm to 8:45pm. I will teach you my recipe for a very life-giving kale salad. As I demonstrate it, I will describe the healing benefits of the various ingredients and share tips on...
I have so much health information to share, and I am so glad to have expanded my teaching to include workshops about healthy food! Already, I teach Kundalini Yoga, chair yoga for seniors, breathing workshops, introduction to meditation, yoga and wellness activities for office workers, private...