Tooting My Own Horn

empowerment healing massage self care Jan 17, 2022

I am good.  No, I am an excellent massage therapist.  It gives me great pleasure to know that I excel at my career path.  I am smart.  If I wanted to be in school for years on end, I may have been a doctor or dentist, but I prefer leisure, movement, and seeing the outdoors.  I studied anthropology (human cultures) in college, but eventually discovered massage therapy and realized it was a perfect fit for me.  I know anatomy well.  I know that as an LMT I work with soft tissue, but that I communicate with your nervous system through my touch.  It is not just by manipulating the muscles and increasing circulation that I relax you.  I am also soothing your nervous system, letting it know that you are in a safe environment to relax.  I read cues from your body; my hands can feel almost always how much pressure to apply.  I feel your muscles give under my touch.  If they begin to tense, I back off, and approach more slowly, giving the nervous system more time to sense my therapeutic intentions, then it sends the signal to the muscles that you are safe, and you relax further and now I can get to that hypertonicity (knot) that you have been suffering from.  I coax and cajole the nervous system and muscles to relax.  Some people like an LMT to steamroll them.  Trust me, I do deep work, but if you are squirming and gasping through the whole massage, you are not being done any favors.

Another great thing about me is that my training at Florida College of Natural Health included a lot of emphasis on balance in posture.  If you have upper back and neck pain, I will work on your SCMs and Pectoralis minors on the front.  You think to yourself, I didn’t even know I was sore/tight there.  But you usually are.  Am I magic?  In this case, no, I just know posture.  Can’t get rid of that lower back pain no matter how much you have somebody rub your back?  I will treat your back, but I’ll also massage your psoas, a deep abdominal muscle frequently involved in lower back pain.  Then I’ll teach you how to stretch it and you’ll be better in no time.  And you’ll be empowered to heal it yourself if it happens again.  See why I am great?  I really am.  If I could get treatments from me, I would.

How can I help you?

I’ll be honest with you: some people prefer a different kind of massage.  They like when the therapist leans into their trigger points with one thumb and just holds it.  That can be effective but it’s not how I work.  I’m more of a cross-fiber friction or circular friction kind of therapist when it comes to trigger points, because that’s what I’d rather have done to me, I feel it’s a little easier to take for the client, and I know my thumbs will hold up longer as a therapist doing it the way I have been doing it for 25 years. There are many, many fine therapists available.  What makes me special is a strong knowledge about the human body, combined with emotional intelligence that will leave you feeling nurtured.