New Kundalini Yoga Class in Tallahassee!

Aug 27, 2024

Exciting news!  I am back to teaching live, in person yoga!  Come on over to the new Tallahassee Spiritual Center on Thursdays at 11:00.

Let's rejuvenate ourselves in mind, body, and spirit!

Join me for Kundalini Yoga basics and some of my favorite powerful and fun meditations!

Kundalini Yoga works with the energy of awareness, our Kundalini, which is also our life force energy. According to the yogis, many people’s Kundalini energy is relatively dormant in the lower spine.   Kundalini yoga strengthens the spine, nervous system and glandular system to handle the “wattage” of more freely flowing Kundalini energy safely. We encourage the Kundalini energy to move but we build the capacity to hold that greater energy, too!

We use combinations of breath, stretching, kriyas (actions), mantras (sound), and mudras (hand or arm positions) to encourage the healthy flow of our life force energy through our chakras, and to keep us strong, flexible, and healthy.

Dale over at Tallahassee Spiritual Center has a convenient calendar page where you can preregister and reserve your spot in class!

I hope to see you Thursday!