Inviting the Muse - New Online Course I'm Creating

art creativity empowerment healing muse self care Jan 31, 2023

I have exciting news!  I am putting together an on-line course!  I have been working on it for a number of months, with stops and starts, a busy life almost getting in the way, but not quite stopping me!

I’m determined to expand my impact on the world and share more of my talents and passions.

I firmly believe that being creative is an important part of whole-person health and living a fulfilling life.

This is definitely true for me, and my well-being.  I had health problems when I was younger from pushing hard with work and not taking time to be creative. I’d somehow convinced myself that it seemed frivolous or impractical to be doing art, compared to keeping up with the bills.  I was stifling a very important part of myself, and had become stagnant.

I have since realized that it is essential that I create.  And life still happens, challenges arise, I get very busy at times, but I also make the time every day for my self-expression.  It’s really a lifeline during the hardest times, and a simple joy in general, good days included, to be playful, to color, paint, dance, sing, play an instrument or whatever inspires me.

I have a multifaceted approach to accessing and keeping open that creative flow.  This is closely tied with being more present in my body and more in touch with my feelings.  Getting out of my logical mind and into the feeling, creative side of the brain.  Relaxing into a more flowing state.  Softening and allowing and inviting inspiration.  Finding the muse within me and coaxing her forth.

This is what Inviting the Muse is all about and I am looking forward to diving into this exploration with a group of inspired people who are ready to get back to their creative side, and learn they aren’t actually too busy to enhance their life with some artistic expression sprinkled through their days.

My aim is to be like a pied piper of inspiration, being myself and enticing you to come play with me!

Are you ready to delve into your inner world, drop more deeply into body awareness, get in touch with your feeling self, and get creative?

I still have more work to do on the course, but just wanted to let you know good things are coming!  New website under construction, curriculum almost completely designed, still need to record video and audio for modules. Lots of finishing touches, aiming for you to be able to start by the beginning of March!

In the meantime check out my free Facebook group, Invite the Muse, where we talk art and inspiration, and you’ll be sure to hear when the course is ready!

Also, stay tuned for a little taster workshop online for inspiring ourselves in February!  Give yourself a gift of self-love in Valentine’s season!  Details coming soon for this, save the date, Saturday, 2/18/23, 2:00pm EST.