Chakra Dance Experience

chakras creativity healing kundalini meditation self care spirituality yoga Mar 07, 2024
colorful watercolor of meditating person

Chakra Dance Experience is coming to Tallahassee!

Dance, as an Expression of your Spirit!

March 30, 2024 1:00-4:00pm

at Abundance Wellness Center.

Experience a transformation in your relationship to your body, your health, your self-expression, and your soul.

First, we will learn about the chakras, the energy centers of the body, and about the emotions and patterns of behavior associated with each of them. We will experience the chakras by using simple Kundalini Yoga and Meditations.

And then, we will turn on the groovy tunes and get down with our divine selves as we dance, expressing the unique energy of each chakra, starting from the root, working up through the crown. Experience the bliss.

Here's the link with more information and to sign up and reserve your spot!